Tag Archives: CV

May I resume now…

I’ve been treating this space more like a venting ground, but I feel it is necessary to go on for a moment about the ultimate, stupid-est (yes I made up a word), thing that I have been dealing with lately.


In order to offer some help other than just bashing the general topic, I thought I would disclose something I found when googling the topic.

The first thing to look at here is the purpose of your resume. The purpose of your resume is to get you interviews. If your resume is getting you interviews, then it is considered to be a good resume. If your resume isn’t getting you interviews, then you should change it.

Two, your resume should tell your story. If you’re a college graduate looking for your first job, a one-page resume is just fine. But, if you have a longer story, your resume needs to be longer. You want put your experience on your resume, so resume readers can tell when, and for whom, you did what.

Three, if you’re long on experience, then short resumes are not appropriate. The real audience for these short resumes is people with short attention spans and low IQs. I assure you that, when your resume gets into the right hands, it will be read thoroughly.

Four, short resumes are not appropriate, if you have to use a small (7-point) font, to get your resume onto one page. Resume readers don’t like eyestrain, and if your resume is mechanically challenging, they just throw it aside for one that is easier on the eyes.

Five, in light of the current emailing scenario, your longer than one-page resume is no problem because recruiters will copy and paste it into their databases. And once it is in there, and searchable, you have accomplished one of your goals of resume distribution.

Six, short resumes are not appropriate, if you have to sacrifice clarity in order to get your resume onto one page. Why? Because resume readers don’t like to guess, and most won’t call you to clarify what is on your resume.

Ok now I may resume. Pardon the pun. I think resumés are the stupidest thing in the ENTIRE world. Honestly. I really can not tell you enough how much I despise them. I understand the purpose of them in providing a template for employers who have no idea where we are from, but in all reality they don’t shed a light on anything but the ability to write a good resume. That is it. Zilch. Nadda. Nuthin’. I don’t think they highlight a candidates strengths. If anything, they highlight how much we suck up and pretend to be interested in a particular job. In some ways we might be interested but in reality, we don’t even know what we’re doing.

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Filed under College, University of Colorado at Boulder